[ team sameness ] It's Time To Vote!
/Our founder and Dreamweaver Lina Nahhas has been nominated for an Emirates Woman, Woman of the Year Award, and we need your voting skills!
The Women of the Year awards recognize UAE-based women who are a mix of "culture-shaping artists, goal-smashing achievers, path-forging visionaries and life-saving humanitarians" and it's so exciting to see Lina in the mix!
Like she says in her lovely little video above, a vote for Lina is really a vote for the [sameness] project, and with votes comes exposure, and a spotlight on what we do, and with that comes the hope of being able to carry the [sameness] project forward, keep spreading goodness, and sustain our work financially.
So please lend us your clicks!
You'll find Lina's name under the Humanitarians category - Give her a click, add your name, and tell a friend to do the same...
You'll see from the Emirates Woman website that Lina is looking pretty fancy, and while she definitely looks good flashed up, we wanted to provide you with a more 'real' view of Lina as she gets hands on with the [sameness] project. So, below is Lina at one of our Water for Workers adventures running down a line of cement mixer trucks waiting to get onto a building site, handing out cold water and 'thank you' facecloths to the drivers. Unfortuantly we don't have any photos of the drivers faces, but image really big smiles and you're on the right track.
Thank you!